NIUU General meeting
Read ahead!
NIUU General meeting is January 15, 2023
There will be two votes on revising bylaws.
There will be elections of two board member positions.
Revisions to Article VI A were suggested at the June 12, 2022 congregational meeting based on low membership numbers and members’ unavailability to serve on the board. The old version was “six board members and three years service.”
Revisions are underlined.
ARTICLE VI A Revisions
A. There shall be five members of the Board of Directors, to be chosen at the January biannual meeting. These members shall serve their offices for two years after which time new board members are elected at the Annual Meeting.
Revision to Article X applies to the very, very, very unlikely event that NIUU would cease to exist. The old version states that property would go to UUA National Offices.
For a list of Charities of the Month, contact Shaaron at:
Article X Revision
If NIUU, at its own option, shall cease to exist, all property real or personal shall be distributed equitably among the “Charity of the Month” non-profit organizations as determined by the NIUU Board of Directors.
***See you on January 15, 2023 for the General Meeting, abbreviated Sunday Service and a Winter Potluck!***